Give to Bethel Church

Other ways to give

Our giving philosophy

There’s a lot you might expect a church to say about giving. We all know that everything we have comes from God. This includes your talent, your skills, your experiences and your resources. There’s no question giving is one of those topics everyone has an opinion about. How much should I give? How do I start? Is it really necessary?

What if we told you that God doesn’t need your money? It’s true. He owns it all. God is not impressed by the size of our income. What impresses God is your willingness to do what He asks. It’s that simple.

God doesn’t tell us to give because He needs something from us. God tells us to give as an act of thanksgiving for what He has done for us through His son, Jesus.

At Bethel Church, we express this truth by covenanting together to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through Houston and beyond, as we strive to honor the Lord with the “first fruits” of all our labor.